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電子情報通信学会 - IEICE会誌 試し読みサイト
© Copyright IEICE. All rights reserved.
Jun-ichi TAKADA, Editorial Team Leader
IEICE is pursuing to be an international academic society, and international members currently occupy more than 10% of whole members.
Journal of IEICE is published in Japanese so that international members are rarely subscribing this. Regular English article entitled “Global Plaza” (GP) had been published since February 2009 on the Journal as well as on the web site so that all IEICE members could read. GP was playing the role of the portal for the international members of IEICE. Although the publication of GP was interrupted in March 2016 due to evolution of English publications in each Society, this Special Section is subtitled “Global Plaza Special Edition,” following the idea of GP and aiming at the dissemination of the current status and activities of IEICE as an international academic society. All the articles are presented in English with open access, so that the international members can read easily.
First article authored by Prof. Nagatsuma and Dr. Ishikawa, former and current secretary of International Affairs Committee (IAC), overviews international affairs of IEICE. Second article authored by Prof. Takahashi, the originator of GP and an Editorial Team Member of this Special Edition, is on the evolution of International Sections. Among twelve International Sections, the representatives of Europe, Beijing and Malaysia Sections are invited to introduce their own Sections. The last article reports the All Sections Meeting held in September 2017 gathering representatives of International Sections and IAC members, focusing on the expectations and challenges of IEICE as an international academic society.
I would like to acknowledge the authors, IAC members and International Sections representatives, and the editorial team members of this Special Section for their cooperation.
2009年2月号から英語記事“Global Plaza”の連載が始まり,Webによる海外会員への配信も行われて,本会の海外支部である国際セクションの活動を支えてきました.2016年3月で“Global Plaza”の連載は休止しましたが,国内会員・海外会員の皆様に本会の国際化の現状をお届けするため,“Global Plaza特別編”として,全編英文による特別小特集を企画しました.
まずは,本会国際委員会の永妻前幹事・石川現幹事に,国際委員会,国際セクション,海外会員,英文論文誌といった,本会の国際化への取組みをまとめて頂きました.続いて,本特別小特集の編集チームメンバーで,Global Plaza生みの親でもある高橋氏に,本会の国際セクションについて,歴史,活動の位置付け,更にはGlobal Plazaを解説して頂きました.本会には12の国際セクションがありますが,本特別小特集ではヨーロッパ,中国・北京,マレーシアの3セクションについて,代表者から組織と活動を紹介して頂きました.最後に,国際委員会と国際セクション代表者が一堂に会するAll Sections Meetingが昨年9月に行われましたので,その模様から,特に国際セクションが考える本会国際化に向けた課題を報告します.
Editorial Team Members
Jun-ichi TAKADA Kenzo TAKAHASHI Yasuhiko TAKENAGA Kazuhiro KIKUMA Tomoyuki MIYAMOTO Chihiro ONO
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